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Your blog as resume and autobiography?

Severel months ago I read a post on Dave Weinberger's blog about a school administartor that was in the process of hiring new teachers. One canidate that was on the short list was dismissesd simply because he had too much info on his blog. However, Dave's response as well as most comments favored the the use of a blog to gather insightful information.

It will not be long, 2006, before businesses and prospective employees will want way more information than what has traditionaly been sought after.

Jon Udell's Weblog, InfoWorld - "The blog as resume and autobiography"

The idea would be to explore the professional blog as a literary form that grows out of, and extends, two traditional forms: the resume and the autobiography. That might seem self-evident to blogging cognoscenti, but it's still unfamiliar to most people.

Jon goes on with a few examples:

  • The coffee shop owner.
    She belongs to Fair Trade, and has visited a number of her suppliers' plantations in Central and South America. A fan of art, baseball, and music, she integrates all these themes, creating a diverse, unique, and wholly un-Starbucks-like experience. Special activities include poetry readings, open-mic nights, and "the table project" which replaced all the tables in the store with themed creations made by artists who are regular customers.
    Her blog, if she had one, would be the resume and biography of a master retail store owner as well as, of course, the online representation of her store.

  • The public works engineer.A former corporate engineer, he's responsible for the town's aging water system. Frequent repairs
    create a need for both immediate and long-range information flows. His blog would include up-to-date information about outages, repairs, and regular maintenance. (The basic facts would be syndicated elsewhere -- the newspaper, the town's website -- with more details available on the blog.) The blog would also educate the public about the water system, assess its status, and provide context for the inevitable discussion about its overhaul.

  • The middle-school science teacher.He's a hands-on experimentalist who invites his students to approach science in the same way. As a lifelong naturalist and birder, he tells a wealth of funny and insightful stories about wildlife. His blog would chronicle his science experiments and wildlife experiences, for students and
    teachers in his own school and elsewhere.

What do you think?