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Changing Times

Escapable Logic blog, Britt Blaser's post, The Packets Kept Flowing, " why the breathless amazement? The Economist's cover story last week broke the news that the Internet is now officially the vehicle for customer decision making:" "Media choice has exploded, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources–especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. Thanks to the Internet, the consumer is finally seizing power."

Anyway, Mr. Blaser writes about a new business model with authority. " The Economist's point is illustrated by a virtual company in a field I know a lot about, performing miracles that should be literally impossible. I've been an audio geek forever. Perpetual Technologies' business, you discover at, is a shopping cart wrapped around a discussion forum... a stero manufacturer that is "selling a 40 foot container of high value gear every week" over the net.

So, you have a net-based business that actually listens and interacts with people in a real voice using community forums. The owner, ..."and his small staff commune with the customers intermittently, while the customers commune with each other 24/7/365."

Church of the Customer, "Creating sustainable word of the mouth", Ben McConnell writes,  "Long-term, sustainable word of mouth that translates into recognizable revenue growth results when organizations focus on giving their evangelists reasons to spread their individual doctrines of emotional connection or ownership." I believe that a business will do well with "word of mouth" when they open up, speak with a real voice, and provide real value.

On BusinessPundit Strategy, Ron muses over "Open Source Business and ask, "Can a company be entirely open about it's strategy and still be #1 in a market? Could upper management blog each day about decisions they have made and still run a good company?"

With a different twist, Infineon tries to turn their external blog inwards.

[Sponsor Watch] InfineonWatch tries to draw internal and external audiences in a novel approach to corporate communications - Infineon Technologies, a founding sponsor of SiliconValley Watcher, is doing some interesting things at Today, it began to promote the site internally, hoping to... [silicon valley watcher]